Category Archives: jerusalem

Barack Obama’s Western Wall Prayer shamefully published

An Israel newspaper (Maariv), over the criticism of Jewish religious leaders, published the contents of a written prayer that Saguaro’s Barack Obama placed in the cracks of Jerusalem’s Western Wall (Judaism’s holiest site). The paper believed that the note helped shed light on Barack’s religious character.

Shmuel Rabinovitz, the rabbi in charge of the Western Wall, said “The notes placed between the stones of the Western Wall are between a person and his maker. It is forbidden to read them or make any use of them…. [The publication] damages the Western Wall and damages the personal, deep part of every one of us that we keep to ourselves,” he said.

Is nothing private anymore? Can’t Barack at least talk to God without the NSA and the media spying on him?

And on top of that Barack got heckled by protesters at the same time